I recently ordered a bunch of craft magazines via my little sister's school magazine sale (to benefit the arts program) and decided to purchase
Crochet World in addition to several others. I got the February issue just the other day, and figured I'd share it with you guys as sort of a magazine-review thing. Did that make any sense? No? Oh well. Here's some of the patterns of interest:
- The Pattern of the Month, a "shruggie," aka combination of a shawl and a shrug. An interesting idea, but unfortunately it doesn't come off as elegant
or cute.
- "Lemon Pot Holder", as well as matching coasters. These are super-cute and simple to make, using the half-double crochet stitch.
- "Simple Mesh Vest," good for a summer project, in my opinion. The design is cute but the stitches are tiny and it would take you forever to get it done, unless you're a super-fast crocheter, in which case, I applaud you.
- "Little Girl's Snowy Purse," was so, so cute. It's a purse in the shape of a snowman's face and hat, complete with carrot nose and coal eyes. Eeeeeeee! Also, everything is done in single crochet, which makes life so much easier - no funny stitches to learn!
- "Inca Bird Hat," super cute, but complicated. Recommended for advanced crocheters who like Central American influences.
- "Lacy Mini-Rosary Case," is cute, but I'm hardly going to carry around rosaries. If you're looking for a pattern for a coin purse, though, this is a nice one. It's a shell stitch/double crochet stitch combination, though, so practice before you dive in! There's a pattern guide in the back of the magazine, or you can check out
About Crochet for some tutorials.
- "Hangin' Monkeys," I think I just
died from a cute overdose. You guys remember the Barrel o' Monkeys toys we used to play with ages ago? This is the crocheted version, complete with arms, legs, tail and cute monkey muzzle. This would be a fantastic gift idea for any young child in the New Year. To make things better, these adorable creatures are made entirely with single crochet. Hallejuiah!
- "Turtle Float Pal," this goes without saying, of course. A soap-bar covering to prevent slippage in the bathtub, or as a potpourri holder for your clothing drawer. It looks complicated, but most of the stitches are double crochet - just make sure you pay extra attention to the pattern first! This looks like another one to practice before doing.