Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Cute Book

I was in Barnes and Nobles yesterday, browsing through the gardening and craft sections, when I came across this adorable book. The Cute Book by Aranzi Aronzo and Anne Ishii features tutorials on how to make miniature plushie animals. My favorites were the frog, the bunny and the terrier.

The Cute Book is hardcover, and 48 pages long. It reminds me of the Dr. Seuss books I used to read when I was younger. The only downside to this book is that the original publication was in Japanese, and so the language reads a bit funny. The illustrations more than make up for it, though. They're very comprehensive and I was able to understand most of the instructions from the pictures alone.

Amazon lists The Cute Book for 10.36 USD, while Barnes and Noble had it in stock for 12.95 USD.

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